Team Liquid‘s Dota 2 roster is one of the strongest in the world. It includes experienced and titled e-sportsmen, who have repeatedly proven their skills at major tournaments.
The team captain, Kuroky, is a Dota 2 legend and a recognized tactical genius. Under his leadership, Team Liquid annually enters the top teams in the world. Midlaner MATUMBAMAN is stable and versatile, able to effectively play different heroes. Samhyeok “Miracle-” Jeong is one of the best carries in the world, masterfully managing difficult positions. There are two more such masters of their craft in the team – offlaner MinD_ContRoL and support GH.
Coordinated team play, individual skill and a deep understanding of Dota 2 make Team Liquid a formidable force on the international arena. Fans are expecting more impressive victories from this roster.